Greta Van Puyenbroeck
The dog on the tower
In 2018 a bronze fox terrier was hoisted on to the top of the belvedere. The artwork, sculpted by Greta Van Puyenbroeck and invented by photographer Michiel Hendryckx, was the crown on the succesful renovation of the library exteriors. Between heaven and Tower a creature in bronze was placed, faithful, patient and ever-present.
'A bronze fox terrier has stood on top of the Book Tower since 12 November 2018. It is clearly visible from Sint-Pietersplein. That in itself is irrelevant. Just the thought of him sitting there is enough. The dog has no name. Everyone is free to conjure up their own story. One person believes he is guarding the Tower; another that he is putting all the knowledge stored below him into perspective; to the relatives of Henry van de Velde, he is Chippa, the master’s last dog. On a blog about esotericism, the animal stands for the Persian god Ahriman, who, according to Rudolf Steiner, in our time represents the writer.'
[Michiel Hendryckx]

The dog on the tower
By Geert Roels, 2018, license CC-BY-SA-4.0